A bit of Friday fun. Ruby is a very natural programming language, with a beautiful and intuitive syntax. But is it (always)?

I came across the following code from the 2018 TRICK competition recently:

kE*;;\";"  TRICK2018  ";tb,;{{r

The code is impossible to read and quite amazing in what it does. It re-print itself in as a spiral. I thought it was quite fun, so I started to look a bit more into it.

Re-print itself

Having a ruby code that re-print itself is quite easy. There are many ways to do it, but it could be as simple as:

eval s="puts 'eval s='+s.inspect"

However, the code is quite obvious in what it does.

Hide eval

So I started thinking, how can I obfuscate the “eval” in the code? One of the uncommon (for good reason) way to represent a string literal in ruby is to use:

 => "e"

So you can represent “eval” as an array of strings: [?e, ?v, ?a, ?l].join You can then invoke “eval” with send:

send([?e, ?v, ?a, ?l].join, s="puts 'eval s='+s.inspect")

You can replace .join by *'' on the array.


However, it’s still quite obvious. Maybe I can scramble the letters?

{d:?l,c:?a,a:?e,b:?v}.sort.map(&:last) is a lot less obvious. Still, if you’re good at anagrams, you’ll figure it out.


is quite a bit more confusing.

You can then do something like:

send(s={g:?a,d:?v,m:?l,b:?d,c:?e}.sort[1..-1].map(&:last)*'', s="puts 'eval s='+s.inspect")


Or replace s by _ (a valid variable name in ruby):

send(_={g:?a,d:?v,m:?l,b:?d,c:?e}.sort[1..-1].map(&:last)*'', _="puts 'eval _='+_.inspect")

Of course the string "puts 'eval _='+_.inspect" can be replaced by %(puts 'eval _='+_.inspect).

You can then reuse _:

_={g:?a,d:?v,m:?l,b:?d,c:?e}.sort[1..-1].map(&:last)*'';send(_, _=%(puts '#{_} _='+_.inspect))


You could also encode "puts 'eval _='+_.inspect" as "cHV0cyAnZXZhbCBfPScrXy5pbnNwZWN0" in Base64:

send(_, _=%(cHV0cyAnZXZhbCBfPScrXy5pbnNwZWN0).unpack('m')[0])

Here I also replaced %(cHV0cyAnZXZhbCBfPScrXy5pbnNwZWN0) by %.cHV0cyAnZXZhbCBfPScrXy5pbnNwZWN0. and used .unpack(?m)[-1] to decode:

send(_, _=%.cHV0cyAnZXZhbCBfPScrXy5pbnNwZWN0..unpack(?m)[-1])


All the non-base-64 characters are ignored by unpack, so you can replace %.cHV0cyAnZXZhbCBfPScrXy5pbnNwZWN0. by %.cHV0c#"yAnZ%XZh bC-BfP_Scr"@Xy5p%bnN|wZWN_0. for example.

send(_, _=%.cHV0c#"yAnZ%XZh bC-BfP_Scr"

Not so natural, beautiful or intuitive anymore…

What is it useful for? Probably nothing, but it’s fun!

And the winner is

By the way here is the winner of a 2018 TRICK competition:

alias    BEGIN    for      unless   def      class
super    true     or       return   defined? next
break    while    begin    undef    do       end
rescue   then     retry    else     undef    module
nil      ensure   case     if       yield    __LINE__
self     and      redo     elsif    not      __FILE__
alias    END      in       end      when     __ENCODING__
end      until    false    end

The code doesn’t do anything, but is valid ruby!