Garnu is a collection of notes, projects and articles about web apps, tech in general, and other random stuff I care about. Oh, and I want it to be interesting for you too.

About me

My name is Arnaud. No idea of how to pronounce my name? No worries, I’m used to it. :-) Anyway, if you don’t speak French, you’ll struggle to pronounce it. I like photography and to travel. I’ve lived in different places: Brussels (where I’m born), Ithaca, Aalborg, Manilla and Hong Kong. I now live in London.

I’m an experienced Ruby and Javascript/Node.js developer. My first Linux install was SuSE 6.3 on a homemade PC (in 2000 - I was 15). Nowadays, I mostly use Ubuntu/Debian and CentOS/RedHat on the server side on AWS/GCP. I develop on a MacBook Pro. I also write Ruby on Rails sites for a living. On the frontend, I do a lot of HTML5, JavaScript and React development. “Ruby CV”.

About programming

I enjoy writing code in Ruby. It’s a clean, elegant and straight-forward language. I also love the rich ecosystem around it. I’m also very excited by the new possibilities offered by modern browsers and fast JavaScript engines like V8/Node.js.